Mansfield ISD |
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 6:00 PM
MISD Center for the Performing Arts, 1110 W. Debbie Lane, Mansfield, TX
1. | Call to Order | |||||||
2. | Roll Call | |||||||
3. | Closed Session | |||||||
1. | Adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee, 551.071, Consultation with the Board's attorney; and 551.072, Real Property. | |||||||
4. | Reconvene | |||||||
1. | Reconvene to Public | |||||||
2. | Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session | |||||||
5. | Meeting Opening | |||||||
1. | Prayer | |||||||
2. | Presentation of Colors -- Summit High School JROTC | |||||||
3. | Pledges | |||||||
6. | Recognition of Retiring Board of Trustee, Beth Light | |||||||
7. | Superintendent's Star Awards | |||||||
1. | Superintendent's Star Awards -- April 2018 | |||||||
SuperintendentsListApril.2018.doc | ||||||||
8. | Commendations | |||||||
1. | Commendations and recognition of students, staff and others who have significantly impacted the Mansfield Independent School District | |||||||
April Commendations.pdf | ||||||||
9. | Human Resources Report | |||||||
1. | 20+ Years Recognition | |||||||
4.24.18 Over 20 years.pdf | ||||||||
2. | Recommendations for Board Approval | |||||||
4.24.18 HR Report Abstract.doc | ||||||||
4.24.18 New Hires for Board Approval.pdf | ||||||||
3. | Introductions | |||||||
4.24.18 Introductions.pdf | ||||||||
10. | Discussion | |||||||
1. | Policy Review Committee | |||||||
11. | Public Comments | |||||||
1. | The correct procedure for addressing the board during Public Comments is as follows: Each speaker should address the board from the podium microphone and state his or her name and address before speaking. All speakers will be limited to five minutes to make comments. When five or more persons represent a group, one person should be appointed to present their views. Copies of presentations should be made available to all trustees and the Superintendent. Board policy prohibits the discussion of complaints against District employees during an open forum. | |||||||
12. | Instructional Focus | |||||||
1. | Speech -- Sarah Banafe, Student at Summit High School | |||||||
2. | T.A. Howard Middle School COA Quarter 3 Update -- Dr. Kisha McDonald | |||||||
Abstract TA Howard COA Quarter 3 Presentation April 2018.doc | ||||||||
TA Howard COA Quarter 3 Board Presentation.pdf | ||||||||
3. | Brooks Wester Middle School COA Quarter 3 Update -- Jennifer Powers | |||||||
Abstract Brooks Wester COA Quarter 3 Presentation April 2018.doc | ||||||||
Wester COA Quarter 3 Board Presentation.pdf | ||||||||
13. | Presentation | |||||||
1. | Presentation of the Design Development for the New Charlene McKinzey Middle School -- Paul Thompson | |||||||
Board Presentation Item - New Charlene McKinzey MS DD.doc | ||||||||
Board Presentation Item - New Charlene McKenzy MS_DD (Presentation).pdf | ||||||||
2. | Presentation of Ben Barber Innovation Academy Renovation Update – Jeff Brogden | |||||||
Board Presentation Item - Ben Barber Innovation Academy Renovation Update.doc | ||||||||
2018-04-17 Ben Barber_SD Booklet-Update.pdf | ||||||||
3. | Attendance Zone Recommendations -- David Wright | |||||||
Abstract -PRESENTATION - Attendance Zones.pdf | ||||||||
Attendance Zones.pdf | ||||||||
4. | Board Priority Goal #3 -- Health Services -- Ted Cross | |||||||
Abstract -PRESENTATION - Health Services.pdf | ||||||||
Health Services Scorecard Board Presentation for April 23 .pdf | ||||||||
5. | Transportation -- Paid Riders Program -- Lauren Cady | |||||||
6. | Drone Course Proposal -- Holly Teague | |||||||
Board Item - Drone Course Proposal.doc | ||||||||
Drones.pdf | ||||||||
Edu Drone CTE Course.docx | ||||||||
14. | Business Items Requiring Board Action | |||||||
1. | Consider Approval of District of Innovation Amendment | |||||||
Abstract-Action-Amended Innovation Plan - 4.24.18.pdf | ||||||||
Proposed Amended Local Innovation Plan - Mansfield ISD.PDF | ||||||||
15. | Consent Agenda | |||||||
1. | Consideration and Approval of Proposed Budget Amendments | |||||||
Bid Proposal - Abstract.doc | ||||||||
Bid Proposal - Tabulation.doc | ||||||||
Bid Proposal - 18-024.Walk-In Freezer.Cooler Combos.pdf | ||||||||
2. | Consideration and Approval of Bids Received in the Months of March and April | |||||||
Budget Amendments - Abstract.pdf | ||||||||
Budget Amendments.pdf | ||||||||
3. | Approve Minutes from the 3/27/2018 Regular Board Meeting | |||||||
03272018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes.docx | ||||||||
4. | Consider Approval of a Joint Election Agreement and Contract for Election Services with Tarrant County for the May 5, 2018, Election | |||||||
04242018 Tarrant County Election Contract Abstract.doc | ||||||||
Tarrant County Joint Election Agreement.pdf | ||||||||
5. | Renewal of Contracts | |||||||
Renewal of Contracts Abstract Information 4.24.18.doc | ||||||||
Contract Types & Rules.doc | ||||||||
18-19 Contract Renewals.pdf | ||||||||
6. | Ratify Contract for the Natatorium HVAC Renovations | |||||||
Board Agenda Item - Ratify Contract for The Natatorium HVAC Renovations.docx | ||||||||
Board Agenda Item - Ratifiy Contract for the Natatorium HVAC Renovations.pdf | ||||||||
7. | Approve Best Value Contractor Ranking for Negotiation and Award of a Contract Agreement for Annette Perry Elementary School – Civil Package | |||||||
Board Agenda Item - Annette Perry ES - Civil Package - Best Value Contractor Ranking.doc | ||||||||
Board Agenda Item - Annette Perry ES - Civil Package - Best Value Contractor Ranking.pdf | ||||||||
Parts A and B Perry CIVIL.pdf | ||||||||
8. | Consider the Approval of an Extension of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Mansfield ISD and the Duncanville ISD for of Police Services | |||||||
Board Abstract for MOU extension.doc | ||||||||
SRO Agreement with Mansfield ISD (rev 040918).pdf | ||||||||
9. | Approve TASB Master Service Agreement Between Mansfield ISD and TASB | |||||||
TASB Master Service Agreement - Abstract.pdf | ||||||||
TASB Master Service Agreement - Resolution.pdf | ||||||||
10. | Approve Resolution for Schools and Libraries Universal Services (E-Rate) for 2018-2019 | |||||||
E-Rate - Abstract.pdf | ||||||||
E-Rate Resolution.pdf | ||||||||
16. | Superintendent's Report | |||||||
1. | Property Tax Collection Reports from Tarrant County | |||||||
Property Tax Collections - Abstract.pdf | ||||||||
Property Tax Schedule of Delinquent Taxes Receivable.pdf | ||||||||
2. | Delinquent Tax Attorney Report | |||||||
Delinquent Tax Attorney - Abstract.pdf | ||||||||
Delinquent Tax Collections Report.pdf | ||||||||
3. | Disbursement Reports | |||||||
Disbursement Reports - Abstract.pdf | ||||||||
Disb Report - Summary March 2018.pdf | ||||||||
Disbursement Report - March 2018.pdf | ||||||||
Disb Report - PR ONLY Summary March 2018.pdf | ||||||||
Disb Report - Over $25K March 2018.pdf | ||||||||
4. | Financial Reports | |||||||
Financial Reports - Abstract.pdf | ||||||||
Financial Reports - Accounting Code & Bond Descriptions.pdf | ||||||||
Financial Reports - Combined March 2018a.pdf | ||||||||
5. | Monthly Investment Report | |||||||
Investment Report - Abstract.pdf | ||||||||
Investment Report March 2018.pdf | ||||||||
6. | Accepted Resignations | |||||||
4.24.18 Resignations.pdf | ||||||||
7. | Resignation Reasons | |||||||
4.24.18 Resignations Reasons.pdf | ||||||||
8. | Superintendent Approved New Hires | |||||||
Supt new hires 4.24.18.pdf | ||||||||
9. | MISD Gifted and Talented Program Evaluation Response | |||||||
Abstract MISD Gifted and Talented Program Evaluation Response Presentation - Teresa Francis.docx | ||||||||
GT Program Evaluation Response April 24, 2018.pdf | ||||||||
10. | Enrollment Report | |||||||
Abstract -Enrollment April 24,, 2018.pdf | ||||||||
Enrollment - April 2018.pdf | ||||||||
11. | Attendance Percentage Report | |||||||
Abstract -Attendance Percentage April 24, 2018.pdf | ||||||||
Attendance-April 2018.pdf | ||||||||
12. | EC Accountability -- April 2018 | |||||||
EC Accountability April 2018 (Board).pdf | ||||||||
13. | 2011 Bond Program Project Manager Report | |||||||
2011 Bond Program Report April 2018.pdf | ||||||||
14. | 2017 Bond Program Project Manager Report | |||||||
2017 Bond Program Report April 2018.pdf | ||||||||
15. | MISD Committees Report | |||||||
Abstract - Committee Report 4-24-18.pdf | ||||||||
16. | Facility Rental Revenue | |||||||
4-27-2018 Rental Revenue .doc | ||||||||
17. | School Start Times | |||||||
Abstract - School Start Times-Info. Item.pdf | ||||||||
School Start-time Report Follow-up.pdf | ||||||||
17. | Adjourn | |||||||
1. | Adjourn |